Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Best Device for Pain Relief

The pain relief pill industry made over 9 billion dollars in 2011. Pain relief patches have been used for a number of years. Benjamin Franklin used electricity to relieve pain. Small patches that deliver a burst of electricity to designated areas, with intensity managed by a small device or a smart phone, have been available for a few years. Now, in 2015, wearable pain relive technology is taking strides to win over some of that multi billion dollar niche.

The combination of smart phone technology and pain relief are barely making an emergence. I'm not talking about a device that manages the level of electric shock. There is an device that will relief chronic pain, track activity, sleep patterns, and based on the quality of sleep and other data points, adjusts the level of pain relief. The device is not even available on the market today, but will be later in 2015. It is called Quell.

This is the first smart device that works for chronic pain relief, based on a various data points. Having a wife with chronic knee pains, this device is promising a better, normal life. Quell is founded by various doctors and technicians who specialists in the field of technology and pain relief. Working closely with NeroMetrix, Quell has developed this device to work with the central nervous systems in the body to block the pain signals at the core. 

The video below is an over view of the Quell pain relief smart technology.

The key points are that the device is FDA approved, recommended by doctors, and is drug free. If you or some one you know is suffering from chronic pains, tell them about Quell. If you want to be a first time owner than jump on before the end of march to their Indiegogo fundraiser. You can watch more videos on their Vimeo site. Here is Quell's website.

Thank you for learning about this best device for chronic pain relief.

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