Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The M is the M is the M

Information is transmitted almost entirely through technology. With exception to face to face communication, real books, and various other news/informational material, every thing is available and accessed through technology. From the big screen to hand held devises we are receiving information. 

Information means something different based on the medium of transmission. The experience and message of movie at a theater vs. watching it on a phone will be different. The message is transferred by the medium and the message changes with the changes of the medium. 

I remember watching Avatar at an iMax, in 3D, in Boise, Idaho. It was the first time I had experienced a 3D film. When the tree was engulfed in flames, I could literally see the ashes fall from the air towards my lap; I cried. Since then, the film has not had the same effect.

Think about TEDx Talks. When I see their logo and the red circle I know that I'm in for a great speech and will probably have my way of thinking challenged and/or invigorated. That medium sends a message and the message is the medium. 

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